Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hear me out: Doctor Octopus

I don't see Otto Octavius much on the tables.  Not being a member of the Cabal or an Avenger meant he was frequently being left out as people built roster meant to quickly swing between Affiliations.  However, he might be just what you need.

Hear me out.

Otto stands out as being the first Size 2 model on a medium sized base.  This has a few advantages, as he can take cover from Cars, but can still take advantage of having a larger base to increase his maximum "footprint" (that is, the mount of space he takes up and therefore threatens on the board).  5 Stamina isn't terribly attractive, but his defense values are really interesting for a 3 Threat Character.  Plus, he gets 6 when wounded!  Energy being his relative weakness (and even then, 3 is kind of the baseline) is really solid!

He has Strike.  You know it, I know it.  4 dice on his Strike isn't the best, but Flurry of Arms does make it seem worth fishing for Wilds.  Range 3 on a basic Strike is again better than what the "default" Strike would be.

Arm Lasers (which is fun to shout defiantly) costs 3, but brings a nice 6 dice to the pool, is Energy typed, and removes LOS and Cover.  Coming in at Range 4, is can be seen as the opposite site of Iron Man's  Homing Rockets attack.  The critical difference, though, is Pierce.  A wild knocking out a valid defense just makes a good thing better (warning: Black Panther and wounded Captain America are effectively immune to this.)

To top it off, Scientific Hubris adds more power to the pot just by rolling a crit at *any time* he rolls dice.  Consider that.  Checking for Skrulls?  Power.  Dodging a car that Spider-brat tossed at you?  Power.  The difficulty in using this Superpower is simply remembering that it's a thing.  Fortunately, practice makes perfect.

Wall Crawler.  It's great.  Ok?  Ok.

Ock's Clutches.  Now here's a Superpower to get the motor running!  Letting Ock take a piece of terrain (size 2 or less, so mostly cars and dumpsters,) and hurl it isn't too shabby.  the Short throw is a bit limiting, considering the range on the rest of his attacks, but it's always nice to squeeze in an extra chance to knock a few Stamina off an opponent.

So, for 3 threat, we get a slightly disappointing default attack that has a random surprise, a really nice attack with a random surprise, some pocket change every time you roll punctuation, and the ability to hurl more than insults on occasion.  That's actually a pretty good deal.  He's not quite as aggressive as some, but he is aggressive enough, especially considering his enlarged footprint.

While he debuted in the Core Set, I think his home may be in Wakanda.  Many of his abilities want him to see specific sides of the dice, and the ol' Wakandan Shuffle could be just the thing he needs to start seeing fortune favor him.

Maybe he'll be so lucky as to win a better haircut.

1 comment:

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